Skincare Dos and Dont's

Skincare isn't like a one night stand; it's more of a long term relationship that requires a lot of attention and effort.
  • Always wipe your makeup before you hit the stack no matter how tired you are. Let your skin breathe. All those layers of foundation and concealer can make your skin choke.
  • Always Moisturise your skin if your dream skin is a radiant and clear one.
  • Drink water A Lot because it is essential for a healthy complexion
  • If you know what a beauty sleep is, then you know it's a necessity
  • Don't use harsh scrubs too often
  • Don't pop up your pimple no matter how bad the urge is
  • Don't over massage or touch your face too much
  • Limit your sun exposure 
Keep Up these habits and get your friends talking about your skin!!
